Answering All Your Cosmetic Dentistry Questions - Kailee Wright
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Answering All Your Cosmetic Dentistry Questions

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Raise your hand if you have an irrational fear of the dentist?! If you would’ve asked me that a few months ago, I would’ve been the first to shoot my hand up. You guys the dentist TERRIFIED me! So much so that I just put off going, and even dealt with some uncomfortable bite issues, because I did not want to go! My girlfriend had the same crazy fear, and told me she promised that if I went to Dr. Ellis over at the Smile Studio, all my thoughts of the dentist would be completely changed. I can’t even begin to tell you how right she was!! It has been such an amazing experience and I’m so happy I put on my big girl pants and gave him a shot because I am in LOVE with the results!

A little over a month ago, I shared some of my favorite things about Dr. Ellis’s office in this blog post. With so many of you sharing that dental anxiety I had, he answered some of your most asked questions to help calm your nerves and know whats best for your situation! Today I’m finally going to take you in to see a little more detail on what it is that I had done, both for function and cosmetics, and answer some of your questions!

kailee wright chad ellis cosmetic dentist


First up, lets talk function. Growing up, I never went to an orthodontist. I didn’t have crooked teeth or anything, so in my mind (and probably my parents) there was no need for anything more than a dentist. How I wish I would’ve known what I know now! I could’ve just had an expander and solved the problem, which is probably why I’m so picky about my kids orthodontist and dentist now!

So since we’ve established how much I dreaded the dentist, I didn’t want to go in unless I had to. I found out about Dr. Ellis’s SMILE VIRTUAL CONSULT and thought I’d give it a try. Basically all I had to do was take a selfie of my smile, and send it in to him, along with my concerns. Once Dr. Ellis receives it, he records a virtual consult video for you.

You guys, it was incredible. I’m not talking quick little five second video. He went through in detail what he saw with my smile, addressed my concerns, gave me a cost range, and the plan he would recommend. He showed me comparisons and was able to give me an idea of what my final result would look like. I was SO IMPRESSED. That entire consult that would’ve taken me a 45 minute drive, minimum 30 minute appointment, and then 45 minute drive home, I was able to do from the comfort of my bed! FREE OF CHARGE!!  If you are considering his amazing office, but don’t live in Utah County, I still HIGHLY recommend starting off with the smile consult. You may end up needing only a couple of appointments making it totally worth the drive.

So let me tell you a little about my consult. When it comes to my bite, it was uneven. When I would bite down, my teeth on the top and bottom didn’t match up in the back. But like I said, I wanted to avoid the dentist, especially MAJOR JAW SURGERY, so I just dealt with the issue. When I told Dr. Ellis this was something I wanted to fix, I was shocked to find out it could be fixed with somethings as simple as adding veneers. By getting veneers, I was able to broaden or widen my smile, to get the adjustment my bite needed to match up. It has been SUCH a difference!

kailee wright chad ellis cosmetic dentist


Another thing I worked with Dr. Ellis on was my gum line. I’ve never liked how much my gums covered my teeth, especially on the front left side. My teeth looked smaller and I just wasn’t happy with it. I had the procedure done when I was 21 to fix them, and unfortunately that wasn’t a success. I felt like I have waited so long to just have my gums be even throughout my mouth and I couldn’t be happier with the results I have now. Dr. Ellis used a painless laser to raise my gums on the left side to match my gum height on my right side.

In addition to the gums, I also had some veneers put in the front. My two front teeth have been chipped and needed repair (but remember I avoided the dentist at all costs) for a while. I love the clean, even, broad look it gives my smile. It just seems bigger and brighter now, without losing the natural look.

Last but not least was whitening to finish things up. Since I didn’t veneer all my teeth, whitening my other teeth was necessary to tie everything together. Whitening was what we got the most questions on, and Dr. Ellis answered them for you over here. There are many types of whitening procedures that he offers in his office. I chose the “in-office whitening”. It takes about two hours in the office, but gives you about a two week boost of whitening. Compared to the normal take home trays.

kailee wright chad ellis cosmetic dentist

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I’m so happy with the help of Dr. Ellis, I was able to overcome my dental fear! Dr. Ellis really is the best at what he does! If you follow him on Instagram, you can see some of the amazing smile transformations that he has created over the years. What I did is not necessarily for everyone, but I wanted to share, because I wish I would’ve known sooner! I love the results and HIGHLY recommend him and his team for any dental needs if you are in Utah. Many of his patients travel from out of state for his services as well, which shows you how great he is! Not only are they professional and so educated in their trade, but they are all so sweet. You will leave feeling like part of their family!

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14 − 13 =

  1. I liked that you said that a dentist can help give a clean and broad smile. My front teeth are a little uneven when I bite down and it feels like it’s getting worse. I’ll have to ask these questions to the dentist to see what cosmetic changes can be done for my smile.


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