Finding Time to Fit In Your Workout - Kailee Wright
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Finding Time to Fit In Your Workout

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One of the biggest hurdles to getting into a healthy fitness routine, is finding the time! If your schedule is anything like mine, you are running from school to practices to appointments, and extra time is not so common. But when I started really focusing on my health and getting a regular routine, I knew I had to find the time to make it happen. So today I wanted to share kind of my tips + ways of thinking that have helped me make it a priority in my life.

Kailee Wright workouts lululemon


One of the biggest things that has worked for me in making time for my workout is doing it first thing in the morning, bright and early. I never thought I could be one to wake up just for that, but it has been what works for us, so I make it happen. Waking up before my kids takes away a lot of the mom guilt I was having. It also starts my day in such a great way. I feel like I have a more positive mind set + energy for the day.

Kailee Wright workouts lululemon


This one is probably the hardest one. As mom’s + even just as women in general, we tend to put ourselves last on the list. We will skip our workout or other plans to fit something else in for our people, even if it isn’t necessarily as important at the exact moment. You’ve gotta make yourself a priority. For some that means staying up extra late or working up early so your kids are sleeping. Maybe it means you hire a babysitter for an hour or trade with a friend so you can have that time for you. Whatever it is, push the mom guilt aside and make yourself a priority!

Kailee Wright workouts lululemon


As we know, time is the biggest/hardest factor here. So we don’t want to waste any of it. Having a workout plan or idea in mind BEFORE your set aside time to workout is such a game changer. Not only is it keeping you from wasting time, it also motivates you knowing what you have coming up. I love saving a youtube or instagram video ahead of time. Some of my very favorite go to’s are Kristin Andrus + Kelsy Wells, both on Instagram. They have amazing ideas that you can totally do in your home without equipment, and range anywhere from 10 minutes to 45.


Another thing I think we are all guilty of is using our kids as an excuse. I can’t workout because my kids are home. Biggest tip, INCLUDE THEM! It may be as simple as putting them in the stroller and taking a walk or jog to the park for your workout. I have friends that will still do weight training and use their baby or toddler as the weight. They love spending time with you and this is not only giving them that attention, but showing them that your health is important to you + teaching them healthy habits.

Kailee Wright workouts lululemon

I know the mom guilt can be overwhelming, and it is easy to come up with all the excuses not to. But I promise, once I forced myself to take that time for me too, knowing that it made life better for all of us, it is so beyond worth it.

photos : aubrey taiese 

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