Inside My Suitcase: MAUI - Kailee Wright packed maui
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Inside My Suitcase: MAUI

kailee wright Maui Hawaii Packing

joe’s tee + shorts + sandals + suitcase  ||  my tee + pants + shoes + backpack + suitcase

As most of you know, Joe and I just got back from an amazing couples trip to Maui! To say it was dreamy is an understatement. With the crazy hours he has been working, and the non-stop schedules for the little people, we hadn’t realized how much we were missing our “us” time. I shared quite a bit about our trip over on Instagram, and have had SO many questions on everything from swim suits, hikes, food, and where we stayed. Since I didn’t want to overwhelm you, I’ve broken it down into two posts! Next week I’ll be sharing our top things to do, see, and eat in Maui, so today I’m covering everything I packed inside my suitcase! All my favorite swim suits, cover ups, and beach essentials!

kailee wright Maui Hawaii Packing

swimsuit top + bottom  || phone case (kailee10 for 10% off)


Being a beach vacation, of course my top suitcase priority was cute swimsuits! A girl can never have too many right? Haha! Shopping for them this time around was trickier!! Is it too much to ask to have a cute style AND cover my booty?! It took some searching, but I found some I loved that will be great timeless pieces!

kailee wright Maui Hawaii Packing

swimsuit  |  sandals watch + bracelets  |  necklace


kailee wright Maui Hawaii Packing

swimsuit  |  sandals hat


. . . shop my favorite swim suits . . .


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kailee wright Maui Hawaii Packing

joe’s top + shorts + sandals  ||  my similar top + similar pants + sandals


If you only pay attention to one part of this post, this needs to be it. This mindset alone is what has made packing my suitcase for trips a game changer. Almost every single piece I brought to use as a beach or pool cover up, I was also able to dress up to go out at night. It literally cut my normal suitcase packing line up in half.

For example, these pants I wore as cover up. For the day, I just threw them on over my swim top + bottom. Later that night, I switched out the swimsuit for a basic top and wore them to dinner. Instead of bringing a completely different outfit, I only had to pack one tiny no space taking basic tee and I was set.

Or you all know how obsessed I am with this top, and that didn’t change on vacation. I love that I could pair it with joggers on the flight, jean shorts over a swim at the beach, or dress it up for dinner. SO VERSATILE!

kailee wright Maui Hawaii Packing

joe’s tee + shorts + hat  ||  my top + shorts + hat + sandals + fanny pack


kailee wright Maui Hawaii Packing

swimsuit top + bottompants  |  sandals  |  sunglasses

. . . shop my favorite versatile cover ups . . . 


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kailee wright Maui Hawaii Packing

 my tank + shorts + coat + hat + sunglasses + shoes


One of the things Joe and I really looked forward to on this trip was trying out some new hikes together. We usually have all the little people with us when we travel, so we haven’t been able to do too much. We LOVED getting out and enjoying the weather. I’ll of course be sharing our favorites on next weeks travel guide post.

Since we knew hikes were happening, it meant I had to bring the dreaded hiking sandals. I finally gave in. While they are still far from my style, and I’m not a fan of the looks, the function is incredible and exactly what I needed! In addition to those I packed a couple of tanks + some shorts. They both could double up for hikes or morning workouts, again saving on space in my suitcase!

kailee wright Maui Hawaii Packing

top + bottom

. . . shop my favorite workout + hiking gear . . .

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kailee wright Maui Hawaii Packing

my top  |  shorts  |  hat  |  sunglasses  |  fanny pack  |  sandals


Last but not least are my poolside/beach essentials. I didn’t have a lot this time around. I swear little people are the reason I need half of the stuff. Am I right?! But I still had my go to’s with me in my go to Freshly Picked backpack. A good pair of sunnies is a MUST! And this portable charger never leaves my side. I always have it on the go with me, especially when we travel and are using our phones more for podcasts, directions, and pictures. New to me this time was using this amazing fanny pack/belt bag. It was SO convenient to be hands free on hikes or at the beach. We loved them so much!

. . . shop my beach bag essentials + accessories  . . .

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I think that covers all the things inside my suitcase for this trip! If I missed anything or you have any packing questions, please ask here or on Instagram! I am happy to help!

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