LIFE UPDATE - Kailee Wright
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my outfit + shoes || harper’s top + leggings || houston’s hoodie + pants

We are in Hawaii this week!!! I’ll be sharing a Hawaii recap on the blog next week, but today I wanted to give you all an update about this past week because we are officially all moved to St. George!!


my top || houston’s hoodie || harper’s bracelet


We are officially moved to St. George! We got here on Friday and had the whole truck unpacked by Friday night! Every box was out of the house by Saturday night. We absolutely loved using King Tote. They were the purple totes we used to moved everything! I got tons of questions about them, so here is the link. They seriously made life so much easier because we didn’t have to deal with dirty cardboard boxes! Code KAILEEWRIGHT gets you 25% off any package too!


It’s honestly been exhausting to have to organize a new house and figure out new spaces again. This house is even smaller than the rental, so I feel like we’ve downsized twice! All the kids are sharing one bathroom, so that’s been a big adjustment. But the 2 littles have been brushing their teeth and getting ready in mine and Joe’s bathroom, so that has helped.

We still have a couple rooms that we need to dejunk and organize like our office, master closet, and the playroom. My brain kind of goes crazy when things aren’t put away so I’m just trying to give myself grace and know that it’s going to take time.

hunter’s dress + shoes


We got to St. George Friday night and Hunter went to prom the next morning! She had a sweet friend ask her to his prom at another school that she isn’t going to. She had so much fun and I’m so glad she was able to meet more people from a different school!


We went to our new church on Sunday at 9am! It was a huge shocker for our kids because our last ward had like 50 young men and 50 young women and this new yard has like 6 of each. So that was rough, but there is a lot of building going on around us so we are hoping there will be some more teenagers and kids in our church ward.

hunter’s top + similar jeans + similar shoes


On Monday, we went and visited all the kid’s schools! We went to Hunter’s high school and found out that she needed to start school the NEXT DAY to get a grade for this quarter, so that was a big shock! We saw a bunch of familiar faces since Joe and I are from here, so it made it more comforting for Hunter because she knew a couple teachers and office staff. Hunter also has an autistic cousin that goes to the same school, so she got to see him and they hugged each other, it was so sweet! So she had her first day of school on Tuesday and had a really good attitude about it. She’s loved it so far and she keeps saying that her life feels like a movie right now! That just shows that it really hasn’t hit any of us yet that this is our new life!

The other kids are starting school when we get back from Hawaii…that just made the most sense. It’s been overwhelming trying to get everyone’s school all sorted out, but all the kids were able to meet their teachers, so they’re excited about it!


Tuesday night, Hunter got invited to play a scrimmage game with a soccer game here! So Tuesday was a big day for her! But we’re still looking for a baseball team and Hayden is still decided whether she wants to do cheer or gymnastics. So I’ll keep you updated on that.


Like I said, we’re in Hawaii this week!! We were sad that we couldn’t go closer to Christmas, but it’s honestly perfect timing because this is just what everyone needs. We all just need 10 days together as a family to connect and digest everything that’s been happening!

. . .

Thanks for reading and being so supportive! I’ll share another update soon!

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