Our Thanksgiving Tradition - Kailee Wright
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Our Thanksgiving Tradition


I am so excited today to be teaming up with Nordstrom to share with you one of our most favorite traditions during the holiday season!! So I’m sure just about everybody gets holiday pajamas on Christmas eve. A few years after my oldest was born I decided to change up our tradition a bit. Instead of my kids getting their Christmas pajamas at the very end of December (on Christmas Eve) I figured why not give them their pajamas early enough to wear all through December.


girls pj’s + our favorite striped ones  |  Hudson’s pj’s  |  baby Houston’s pj’s  |  blanket  |  stuffed lion  |  Elf on the Shelf  |  Reindeer + book  |  Reindeer socks + blanket

The Elf on the Shelf had been out for awhile and I wanted to introduce the little guy into our traditions that year as well!! So the opening of our “Christmas jammies” on Thanksgiving  was born! Every year on Thanksgiving we kick off the Christmas season by letting our little people open up their Christmas pajamas at the end of the night. The next morning our Elf on the Shelf arrives and the Christmas season has official begun at our house!! It has been such a fun tradition the kids look forward to all year long.

This year as I was shopping through Nordstroms Christmas pajamas I noticed The Elf on the Shelf Pet Reindeer and loved the fact that the kids could actually play + snuggle with the reindeer!! And of course Sparklez (she’s our Elf) needed a pet. Haha. The kids have really enjoyed the darling story behind it and Hayden is more then thrilled that she can actually sleep with our reindeer “Spark” at night.

I honestly love this time of year so much + all the excitement that comes with it! Watching our little people light up over every little thing makes the holidays so much more fun. This year we are actually doing Christmas differently and I can’t wait to share it with you all soon. Now tell me what are some of your favorite holiday traditions??!


SHOP OUR FAVORITE CHRISTMAS PAJAMAS by clicking on the image below


In collaboration with Nordstrom

photos by Corissa Ann

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