18 Out of The Box Ideas to Cure Boredom Blues - Kailee Wright
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18 Out of The Box Ideas to Cure Boredom Blues

Kailee Wright Quarantine life

harper’s swim suit + bows  ||  houston’s tee + shorts  ||  hayden’s similar pants + top

Well, we are officially over a month into this stay at home adventure!! How are you all hanging in there?! I told my girlfriend it kind of feels like I am on the Corona Coaster with how my emotions fluctuate, but overall we are doing our best to see the good. That being said, chances are you’re starting to hear the dreaded “I’m Bored” a little more often. Am I right?! Well have no fear because today we have brainstormed and put together a new list of 18 out of the box boredom busters the whole family will love!!

Kailee Wright Workout room

my bra + leggings + shoes  || all home gym details 


One of the hardest things about getting a workout in right now, is having all of our kids home! So why not make it into something fun for everyone by making it a family affair. Get creative and let them help you plan partner workouts, games, or different active ideas you can incorporate in. They will love it and you will love that they are burning some energy and making working out a good habit!


While it may still be a little chilly to shoot for a backyard campout (just ask Joe and the kids) put a fun spin on it and bring camping indoors. Set up your tent in your living room or just pull out the sleeping bags! Make indoor smores (check this fun gadget out) and tell stories. Your kids will love having a “change in scenery” and will probably end up playing in the tent for hours!


Put a fun new spin on movie night! If it is warm, maybe try a projector movie outside! If you have younger kids, do a drive in movie! Give them each a box from your most recent retail therapy and let them decorate their own “car” to come to the movie in. They will love snuggling up with blankets and pillows in their car at the drive in! For bigger kids, maybe make it a marathon or a themed movie night!

Five minute Hairstyles Kailee Wright

my tee + jeans  || hayden’s similar top


I don’t know about you, but this is something I would have LOVED as a kid. Getting to try different hair styles out on my mom or sisters and doing nails. Make it extra wild and let your kids pick out a color of this temporary hair color to change up their look! Or let them practice their nail design! Make it even better for you by adding in some massage mom practice!


Out of all the things we have done during our stay at home order, this has been everyones favorite. Each of the kids made a list of skills they wanted to learn or practice while we are at home. We had everything from Hudson learning how to braid hair to Hayden learning how to sew. They are things they always wanted to try but we’ve never had the time to sit down and learn, and it has been SO SO fun!


Keep things simple and let them pull out the hose and rags and have a fun car wash! Another fun idea my friend does with her boys is let them have a Hot Wheels Car Wash outside. Gather all their toy cars and trucks, a few buckets of water and some soap and they will be entertained for hours meticulously taking each car through the car wash.

Kailee Wright Walmart Spring Trends

houston’s top + shorts + scooter  ||  harper’s jumpsuit + jacket + sandals  ||  hayden’s jumpsuit + sandals


You can still keep your social distance and enjoy the warm fresh air together. Getting out for an hour or so every day has helped us all keep our sanity! Whether it is a quick walk around the block, or longer bike ride, breaking free from some of that Cabin Fever is a great boredom buster!


You may have seen me talk about this over on my Instagram Stories, but it has been such a hit with Hayden! I showed her the time lapse video feature on my phone, and she is OBSESSED with cleaning now because she can watch herself in super speed mode after. Best little trick ever!! Even if its not cleaning, have them video themselves making a recipe, building a lego, or even coloring a picture. It takes something they might be getting bored of and puts the fun back into it! ** To make your own using an iphone or ipad, just open the camera app, and swipe to the left to the time lapse option.


Get out all the Legos in the house and have a friendly competition. You can break into teams and draw ideas out of a hat that you have to create in a certain amount of time. Another fun spin is Lego Pictionary. Played just like the regular version, but you have to build with Lego’s for your team to guess.

Kailee Wright Walmart Flower kids Home

harper’s top + shorts  ||  hayden’s tank + similar shorts  ||  table and chairs  ||  plates + cups + straw cups


My assistant just told me this idea and I love it! Growing up, one of her friends always did a mixed up menu for her birthday party.Every one is given a menu that has “code names” for all the foods. For example slimy worms = pasta noodles. Everyone in the family places their order for the different courses through that mixed up menu and it is SO fun to see what everyone gets. Sometimes you get ice cream and no spoon, or a straw and spaghetti. You can put a fun theme with it to help you name your menu items, or just make up names that have to do with how the food looks. I promise you’ll all love it!


Enjoy the fresh air together in the safety of your own yard and do some planting. If you are feeling ambitious, start a garden together! Let them help pick out what they want to plant and do the planting. Having that part in the decisions makes them more invested and want to help with the watering and weeding down the road. If a garden sounds like too much, just plant some spring flower pots to have around your house! Stay tuned because we will be sharing a fun kid friendly tutorial on this soon!!


Sometimes the best way to bust the boredom blues is to just dance it out. Turn the music up loud and let them loose. It works best if you and/or dad gets involved and crazy. Pull out all the karaoke stops and just have fun together. I promise it will end in giggles and boost the day for everyone.

kailee wright boredom busters

my top + apron  ||  hayden’s similar jumpsuit + apron  ||  hudson’s apron


If you haven’t seen/heard of Cupcake Wars, it is a fun show where teams create delicious cupcake creations that are judged on both taste and appearance. This would be SO fun to do as a family or let just your older kids do. Break into teams and let them get creative!! Even just baking new recipes or treats they want to learn how to make together is a great boredum buster!


Put a fun spin on the classic pictionary but using playdoh instead of a pencil and paper. It is hilarious to see what people can create using just the dough and is so much fun!


I don’t know about you guys, but for us, one of the things our kids are missing most is their sports! They love and live for baseball and soccer and miss them so much! So what better way to brighten their spirits and let them get some practice in than by playing a family game of baseball, soccer, or even kickball! Burn some energy and enjoy the fresh air together!

Kailee Wright Family Games


While this one isn’t as out of the box, it can definitely help with the boredom blues. We shared some of our favorite games the whole family will love here. If you don’t want to order a new game, google fun new games you can play with a regular deck of cards or dice. There are so many!


This is such an easy idea to throw together. You can make your own custom hunt or there are lot of great lists online too! For toddlers you can keep it as simple as finding different colors, shapes, or letters. And when it warms up you can take it outside too!


I don’t know about you, but I miss people so much!! Just being able to see my sisters and friends and give them a hug!! And I know my kids feel the same about their friends too. So while this isn’t quite the same as actually getting that contact with them, plan a fun doorbell ditch instead. You can make cards, make a favorite treat or dinner, or even put together a goody box of some of your favorite boredom busters for them to try! Putting it all together will be something new and fun to do, and delivering it brings so much joy!

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I hope these fun ideas help you get yourself or your kids out of their boredom blues and enjoy the time we have together! I’d love to hear some of your favorites too!

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