3 Ways We Love to Use our Pampers Aqua Pure Wipes - Kailee Wright
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3 Ways We Love to Use our Pampers Aqua Pure Wipes

Kailee Wright Pamers Pure Wipes

my top + jeans + belt  ||  harper top + leggings + beanie  || our FAVORITE wipes + diapers  || dresser + rug

If you’ve been around here for the past year, you know it is no secret how much we LOVE our Pampers Pure Diapers. I could go on and on about all the things I love about them, and have a few times here on the blog as well as over on Instagram. But I noticed that in all my raving about the Pampers Pure diapers, I let the Pampers Aqua Pure Wipes stay in the shadows. I know you are probably thinking, they are just baby wipes. But these wipes are so much better than that, and we use them everywhere in our house for so many different things besides a baby bum. So today I wanted to share with you our 3 favorite ways to use our Pampers Aqua Pure Wipes!

Kailee Wright Pamers Pure Wipes

  our favorite wipes  ||  table chair set + baby doll


I get asked alllll the time how we keep our house so clean. Now I’ll admit whether my kids helped or not, it would still be clean. I cannot function in a messy space. That being said, my biggest tip is to teach your kids when they are YOUNG to be responsible for their space. If they learn to help out when they are little, it will come as naturally as remembering to brush your teeth or make your bed as they grow up.

Kailee Wright Pamers Pure Wipes

Houston and Harper are 100% in the mom shadow stage. They follow me around everywhere I go and always want to be doing what mom is doing, including cleaning. I wanted a way for them to help, but didn’t want to worry about them ruining things or using dangerous cleaning products. Insert the miracle that is the Pampers Aqua Pure wipe. These wipes are 99% WATER! Free of harsh chemicals whatsoever.

Kailee Wright Pamers Pure Wipes

So while my little helpers wipe every surface they can reach, I can be worry free. It’s okay that its touching their hands. They aren’t going to ruin my paint or cabinets if they wipe them. Houston and Harper love to wipe baseboards, their mini table and chairs, toys, anything they can get their hands on. The wipes are thicker so they don’t tear easy while cleaning too! I love that it is putting them in the good habit of doing their part to keep our home clean.

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Kailee Wright Pamers Pure Wipes


In addition to a clean house, I like to have clean people in it! Haha! I grew up with my mom constantly telling us to wash our hands. We washed hands when we came home from school, before and after meals, and when we came in from playing outside. Since it was always a habit for me, I have done the same thing as a mom. If you are a mom of toddlers, you know they escape quickly. Wiping hands and faces after eating usually doesn’t happen at your sink. One of us grabs a Pampers Aqua Pure wipe and chases them down for a wipe off. I love that I don’t have to worry about it touching their mouths, because again it is 99% WATER.

We keep a pack in the car as well as in my diaper bag too so we are prepared for all sticky situations that might come along. I can quickly wipe down the table or high chair at a restaurant, or sticky hands after eating a treat in the car.

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Kailee Wright Pamers Pure Wipes

my top + jeans + belt  ||  harper top + leggings + beanie  || our FAVORITE wipes + diapers  || dresser + rug


I know this third favorite use isn’t very out of the box. But it truly is one of my favorite ways to use them. If you’ve ever had a baby with sensitive skin, you know how hard it can be to change a sore bum. I have wanted to cry right along with them while trying to wipe them. Sore bums are basically a thing of the past since we started using these wipes. You aren’t introducing any foreign strange chemicals to your babies skin. They are so so soft and primarily water, so there is no irritation. And they are thick so everything stays on the wipe and not your hand, if you know what I mean. Combine them with the protecting, ultra softness, and functionality of the Pampers Pure diapers and you will see what I mean. We have much happier diaper changes in our house now!

Kailee Wright Pamers Pure Wipes

Like I said, I know it’s a simple baby wipe, but in our house it is an everything wipe. From cleaning toys, to tiny hands, to cute bums, we love the Pampers Pure Aqua Wipes in our house!

photos : aubrey taiese 

in partnership with Pampers Pure

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fifteen + 18 =

  1. Love pampers wipes…. i too use them to get my little ones cleaning but my biggest hack is as a teacher- i use them to get my white boards spick and span clean


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