April Update - Kailee Wright
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April Update

kailee wright family updatetopjeans (ON SALE!!)  |  shoes + similar  |  hat  |  sunglasses  |  harper top + jegging + headband  |  houston scooter


April has been a busy month for us! It has been a few weeks since our last update, so I thought I’d catch you up on what is new with our little crew . . . including our house, travel plans and more!


The interior space is FINALLY almost done! It feels like it has been going on and on forever, and the piles of dust were going to be never ending! But we are feeling so grateful to be able to create this dream space. For the interior of the home, we just have the boys room + the girls room left to finalize a few design items! I am loving how they are coming together and can’t wait to share with you.

In case you missed anything, so far we’ve shared the Family Room, Kitchen + Dining, Harper’s Nursery, Playroom Closet, and the Laundry + Linen. We have some fun reveals of the Master, Office, and Basement space coming soon! If we’ve missed sourcing on anything you haven’t been able to track down in those above posts, you can probably find it in our Frequently Asked Home Questions, but leave any additional questions you have in the comments and I’ll be sure to let you know!


Joe and I had such a good time in Arizona, especially eating allll the food. We shared about all our favorites here. We are excited to head down to St. George today to be with family for  our sweet nephews baby blessing. There is nothing I love more than family time in the sunshine! I haven’t been to St. George since Thanksgiving so I can’t wait!

As soon as we get home we are heading to California to spend a week with our medical school friends we haven’t seen for a year! They really became like family to us and we are all so excited. The little people (and even me) have been counting down the days! I really feel like this will be so good for my heart. Going through the process of medical school + then residency is hard to be away from family, but you are so lucky to kind of be dropped in to pods of friends. Everyone is kind of in the same place in life, and can totally relate to the crazy you are going through for your career dreams. I think going through the trenches together instantly really formed some of the best friendships that we really cherish now.

It has been such a change and different transition to be thrown in to the real world where everyone kind of has their own agenda and making friends isn’t necessarily as easy. We really do LOVE our neighborhood and having so many sweet families close, but I think just feeling that connection will help boost my spirits.


harper – Sweet Harper girl has officially conquered walking and running around the house with ease. She totally thinks she is one of the big kids and can keep up. Her new favorite word is “uh uh” (like no) and is her answer to everything. Not sure where she picked that one up, but it’s still pretty cute! A not so fun new stage she has gotten in to is taking off her diaper. ALL the time. If she doesn’t have pants or leggings on over it, it is off within minutes!

houston – We are slowly taking the steps to potty training Houston…sometimes. Ha. I am so not into it and he goes back and forth, so I’m not really pushing it yet. His love for cleaning gets funnier by the day. He loves to wipe Harper’s face and help vacuum up any messes she makes.

hayden – Hayden is thrilled to be starting the Chinese Immersion program at her school next year. If any of you have done this with your little people, send me all the advice! My bigger two never did anything like this in California! Her obsession with LOL Dolls is still going strong and you can usually find her accessorizing or seeing if she has enough money to add to her collection.

hudson – Baseball is in full swing for Hudson and he is loving every minute. If he isn’t at practice or a game, he wants to be outside practicing with Joe. We also dealt with our first Instagram conflict too. You may have seen I shared a little video of him talking about kickball over on my Instagram stories. Some of our neighbors saw, and showed their kids. When they told Houston, he was SO embarrassed. We’ve never really dealt with that before because I mostly share the babies. So now we are figuring out where we draw the line on these things, because I never want my people to feel uncomfortable.

hunter – Cute Hunter is growing up way too fast. She is in the stage where she wants to choose being with her friends a lot more then family and it kind of breaks my mama heart. I just want her all to myself, but she is growing up and wants that freedom. First this then what?! Can’t time just slow down for a minute?!

I think that about does it for our update! We can’t wait for this warm weather to stick around! If you have any questions from the last couple of weeks, you can always leave them in the comments or send me a Direct Message! I hope you are having a Happy Spring with your people too!

xx kails

kailee wright family update

top + jeans (ON SALE!!)  |  harper dress + headband  |  houston jeans + tee  |  rug pink pillow  |  bed  |  nightstand  |  clear vase + greenery


kailee wright family update

romper + similar in black  |  shoes + similar  |  necklace + disc necklace  |  lip color (angel)  |  harper top + jeans+ headband


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6 − 6 =

  1. My little Lucy is the same age as your Hayden and is in the Chinese immersion at her school! She loves it so much and has learned SO much!! It is amazing!! She understands so many things and she’s only been in it one year. You will be so impressed! 🙂 it is so fun to hear her in her room playing and singing songs in Chinese, doing all her math in Chinese and interacting with her Chinese teacher so easily! I was hesitant to sign her up for it, because I didn’t want to overwhelm her, but it has been the best thing!

    1. Ok that makes me so excited for Hayden! We were a little nervous going in to it but I am hoping she’ll love it! Thank you for sharing!

  2. So glad you signed Hayden up for the ImmersionProgram! My Aunt helped get it started in Utah and can answer any questions you might have. Let me know if you want her information. (She’s fabulous) It is such an amazing program.


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