My Food Diary - Kailee Wright
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Health + Fitness

My Food Diary

Kailee Wright Food Diary

my jumpsuit  ||  harper’s dress + bow  || the very best protein bar (code below) + green shake

If you’ve been around here for the past 9 months or so, you’ve probably noticed that I’ve really been focusing on taking better care of myself and my body, so I can in turn not only feel better, but be a better and healthier wife and mom for my people! It has been full of a lot of changes, but I couldn’t be happier with how I have been feeling both physically and even more so mentally. I’ve shared a little bit about what is keeping me motivated to work out over here and here, but today I wanted to talk about the food side of things and my food diary.

I get a lot of questions on if I’m on any kind of diet, or follow a strict meal plan, and the answer is no. I knew I wouldn’t stick to anything to demanding, so I’ve just been trying to listen to my body while making healthier choices. So below I’ve laid out  a full days food diary… what I eat from first thing in the morning, until right before bed. I am in no way saying this is what you should do nor am I saying it will work for you. This is just what I’ve learned over the past few months that works for me and I hope it is helpful for you!

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Before my workout (at about 6 am) :

I drink one full water bottle with my BCAA’S. I use (and LOVE) the BCAA’s from I Heart Macros. If you are new to the fitness game and just trying to figure out where to even begin, Quincey and Brandon are such an incredible resource to get you on the right track not only with eating and workouts, but understanding your body and what you personally need. They have given me so many tips to get me started, and I love their BCAA’s. If you are interested, they are offering my readers a 30% discount with code kailee30.

Kailee Wright Food Diary

the best little blender for shakes!

Post workout (at about 7:15) :

After my workout before I get the kids going for the day, I will have a quick “mini-breakfast”. This usually consists of a protein muffin or protein donut from Fed Up (you can read all about my love for them and how they’ve changed my eating habits here), as well as mix up a Chocolate Almond Joy Shake from the Clean Simple Eats Meal Plan.

I’ve said it at least 100 times, and you’ll probably hear me say it 100 more, but if you don’t already have the Clean Simple Eats plans, you need them in your life. They were made for (and by) busy parents trying to make healthier choices in their eating habits. I have loved every single thing I’ve tried, and that is saying a lot coming from a very picky eater. The recipes are delicious and easily customizable to fit your needs or preferences. You can use code KAILEE for $15 off.

“Second Breakfast” (at about 9:30-10)

Once I get all the big kids off to school and things settle down, I usually take the time to have the rest of my breakfast. I’m all about quick and easy. My go to is usually a cup of egg whites and 1-2 oz. of diced ham. To keep it simple and mess free for me, I just buy the egg whites in the carton from Costco, and the delicious diced ham from Harmons.

Kailee Wright Food Diary

my jumpsuit  ||  kitchen table + chairs  ||  protein muffins


Lunch (at about 12-12:30) :

Just like breakfast, I keep things pretty simple for lunch. I try to make sure I have a carb and a protein. Most of the time I will grab one of my pre-made Fed up meals because they are just so delicious and easy to heat and eat. If I don’t do that I will have a cup of rice and some chicken, or some bbq chicken and a sweet potato.

. . If you want to try out FED UP contact Linzie at 435-229-2779 + tell her I sent you and she will take great care of you! . .

Kailee Wright Food Diary

Afternoon Snack (at about 3:00) :

I lay the babies down for naps in the afternoon and try to get some work done. If I am sitting and “bored” I am almost always hungry! I usually reach for my favorite treat, a nice cold G2G bar. Oh my gosh you guys, if you haven’t tried them yet you must!! They are seriously one of my very favorite treats. My kids are even hooked on them now too. Our extra fridge in the garage has turned into the G2G fridge, because they are so yummy nice and cold.

You are probably thinking I am crazy because protein bars do not taste like a treat. I promise these ones are different and so so good. The PB Chocolate are my very favorite, but they have a bunch of flavors. You can save 20% off by using code kailee. Other snack options I love are my greens shake from Fed Up, or a quick cup of greek yogurt with strawberries.

Kailee Wright Meal prep

clean simple eats meal plans (use code KAILEE for $15 off)

Dinner (at 5:00) :

We eat dinner a little earlier than the norm for two reasons. One I think it helps from having the little people eat your entire house in snacks because they are starving. And two because we are busy and it is the time that works best for us to be together. I usually try to stick with a lean meat like chicken or lean ground beef. There are SO SO many good options in the Clean Simple Eats meal plans. My whole family loves them! Another one of our favorites when we are rushed (which is a lot) is simple Chicken Tacos. Grab a Rotisserie Chicken from your local grocery story or Costco. Shred it up on tortillas and add all your favorite toppings. I love that it is a healthier option for my family and customizable to what they like and don’t like.

Kailee Wright Food Diary

Evening Snack (at around 7-8) :

Last but not least I have an evening snack. This is the time of day that I’m usually trying to curb my sweet tooth a little more so I reach for a healthier treat. My favorites are halo top ice cream or a caramel rice cake. Just something that helps keep my from going to be starving, and has that little bit of sweet in it.

I think that sums up my food diary for a day. As you can see it isn’t anything life altering or crazy. Just pretty simple. My biggest thing I have learned that works for me is to eat every 2-3 hours. That way I am never totally starving so I over eat, but I am not stuffing myself completely full either. Doing smaller more frequent meals has worked best for me! I hope this helps give you an idea and answer any questions you have! If I left anything out or you have questions, please leave them here or over on Instagram. I’ll be sure to answer them!

photos : aubrey taiese 

Tell Me What You Think! leave a comment...

fourteen + 14 =

    1. The Clean Simple Eats code will only last until May 27. G2G and I Heart Macros…as far as I know doesn’t have an end date anytime soon!

  1. Favorite quote ever…. “you cant outrun a bad diet”. Nutrition comes first. No matter how hard we work at it if we dont Put the right stuff into our bodies,

  2. Have you ever tried halo top on the carAmEl rIce cake? It’s my nightly snack! It’s almost like an ice cream cone! I sometimes do a very small spread of nutella on the rice cake Before the nutella! Yummy Yummy!


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