Working Out: How I Finally Got Motivated to Stick To It - Kailee Wright
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Working Out: How I Finally Got Motivated to Stick To It

Kailee Wright Fitness Tips for Working Out

similar tank + here  |  leggings + similar  |  yoga mat + similar  |  weights

I don’t know about you, but “working out” has been a goal I found myself making over and over again. I’d start up and go strong for a couple weeks, but it always seemed to fizzle out. After I had Harper, I knew I was done having babies. I really wanted to work on taking better care of myself, both physically and mentally. I knew this was the time it had to stick. Whatever I had to change to stick to working out, I was going to do it! Since I know this isn’t a struggle that only I’ve faced, I wanted to share with you what really motivated me to finally focus on me for a change and commit.

Kailee Wright Fitness Tips for Working Out

So like always, I made the “New Year’s Resolution” to start working out. My focus wasn’t necessarily on losing weight, but on feeling stronger and healthier. I wanted to see a change in my attitude and my energy, not only for me but for my family. And I wanted to prove to myself I could do hard things. The year started off with the usual excuses. I was too busy. Why would I want to wake up that early? I don’t get very much me time, why would I want to spend the little time I have exercising?!

In around August I finally started dabbling in a few different fitness classes. A few friends had mentioned Orange Theory Fitness, so I decided to give it a try. I committed for a month in October and was hooked. The competitive part of me loved the screens they have to keep you motivated. It has the feeling of a “class set up” without the down falls of a typical gym. As much as I love the workout style, that alone wasn’t the only thing keeping me coming back. I know deep down my motivation was stemmed from these 3 factors.

Kailee Wright Fitness Tips for Working Out


Ever since I’ve known her, Michelle, my right hand girl here on the blog has told me that working out for her was so much more about the mental. When she worked out, she had a better attitude. She could noticeably tell she was a better mom. More patient, happier, and just interested in being present. I thought she sounded crazy and it was too good to be true.

But at about the 6 week mark of working out consistently, it hit me. I had a complete attitude shift. I felt motivated to take on the day. My patience level with my little people changed and I took the time to really be more present. I just felt so much healthier mentally and happier on a daily basis, and found myself craving it. Doing something for myself felt good.

Kailee Wright Fitness Tips for Working Out


One of my biggest excuses for not working out regularly has always been, “well I can’t leave my kids”. It wouldn’t be fair to them to get a babysitter for something so selfish. Mom guilt is real and when it came to leaving them it was like a wall I couldn’t get over. Going to Orange Theory early in the morning has been exactly what I needed. I can go, get my workout in, and come back before they even wake up. Getting up and taking the time for me, is the perfect start to my day to feel more positive for them.

I want them to see that I’m striving to be healthier. That taking time for myself is important too. I want them to know how important I think believing in yourself + setting goals is. Growing up I never really saw my parents go and workout or place a huge importance on that, and I want to be that example for them to love your body and work to keep it healthy and strong.

Kailee Wright Fitness Tips for Working Out


My good friend Merrick said something that really hit me when we talked about her experience with a very similar goal. She said “I’ve heard that it takes 21 days to form a habit, but it doesn’t. It takes until you believe in yourself.” She hit it spot on. We are our toughest critics and it’s not going to stick until we believe we can do it. She expressed my exact feelings perfectly when she said  “It was amazing how setting and reaching one goal gave me the permission to reach new heights in all areas of my life.” I couldn’t agree more. Finally following through and sticking to this motivated me to believe in myself. Instead of patting myself on the back for accomplishing my goal, it has pushed me to set new harder goals. I feel like I’m enough and I can do hard things.

I promise you if you commit yourself to taking that time for yourself, whether it be working out or something else you’d like to accomplish, it is worth it. Kiss the mom guilt goodbye. By taking the time to strengthen yourself both physically and mentally, you will be a better happier mom. I’m excited to see what I can accomplish sticking to this and believing in myself. What is something you hope to stick to and accomplish for yourself this year?

photos : aubrey taiese 

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    1. I”m so glad you liked it!! I have been doing Orange Theory for workouts and Clean Simple Eats for meals and really love them both!


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