Park Day: How to Wear Your Hunter Boots Daily - Kailee Wright
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Park Day: How to Wear Your Hunter Boots Daily

cardigan  |  dress  |  hunter boots  |  socks  |  necklace  |  bracelets

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hunter: cardigan – similar  |  jeans  |  hunter boots  ||  hudson: shirt – similar  |  boots  ||  hayden: shirt  |  jeans  |  hunter boots   ||  houston: shirt – similar  |  jeans  |  shoes – similar + here + herekailee-wright_park-4

A couple of years ago when we lived in Kentucky I got my first pair of Hunter boots. (from the kids section!!) It rained ALL the time there so it was basically a must have item and I wore them daily. Once we moved to California I didn’t  realized how versatile my Hunter boots really were. They’re definitely not just for rainy days! As the weather gets cooler, they’re a fun statement boot you can wear any day just like any other boot. I love the pop of color they can add to any outfit. 

Since my first pair were a purple color and a shorter style, I picked up this red pair from Nordstrom last season and have wore them a ton.  With their amazing free shipping and returns, I bought two sizes and colors and was able to try them out at home to find the best size before returning the other pair.

It’s too warm for a lot of layers right now, so I styled my red boots with a simple striped dress and brought the whole outfit together with a cozy olive cardigan. It’s an easy and comfortable outfit for those cool Fall days. Also, you guys know I’m a fan of them for all my little people as well!! I mean what mom doesn’t love a good shoe that cleans up like new and can be passed down for through all your little people?!

As the weather cools even more, I’ll be wearing these regularly with jeans,  over sized cardigans, scarves and cozy sweaters!! Who else will be wearing their Hunters with me?!


xx – kails

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in partnership with Nordstrom

photos: corissa ann

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