In the Kitchen With My Little People - Kailee Wright
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In the Kitchen With My Little People

Kailee Wright Ebay Kitchen appliances

kitchen aid magic bullet  |  instant pot

Whether I like it or not, my little people are growing up! They are becoming so independent, especially when it comes to our time in the kitchen. Even Houston wants to be big like his siblings and do everything himself! We purposely designed our pantry to be so kid friendly so they could quickly and easily grab snacks or make lunches. They love it so much that they have started taking over our other meals too! I’ve had questions lately on how I let them help + any tips I have to make it go a little smoother (and cleaner!), so today I wanted to share some of my favorite ways to let them shine in the kitchen, and the products that help make it possible!

Kailee Wright Ebay Kitchen appliances

First up is the Magic Bullet. This little gadget is my little peoples FAVORITE. I think for me the best part is they don’t have to haul out our huge blender every time they want to mix something up. In the mornings, they love to mix up a quick smoothie. The easy to read measurement guidelines on the side, make it quick for them to know how much to pour, and we don’t have to worry about making a huge batch. They love using it for dinner time too. It is a great way for them to chop ingredients I need and I don’t have to worry about knives and someone chopping a finger off.

Kailee Wright Ebay Kitchen appliances

My next favorite kid friendly appliance is the Kitchen Aid Mixer. I have been doing a lot more baking lately and the little people LOVE to help. Who doesn’t want to be right there ready to sample a little cookie dough?! I love that with the plastic pouring shield, I can let any of them sit on the counter and pour in ingredients. I don’t have to worry about any food flying like with a hand mixer, or anyone sticking their fingers in the mixer and getting hurt. Hunter and her friends can whip up a treat when they want one all on their own now.

Kailee Wright Ebay Kitchen appliances

Kailee Wright Ebay Kitchen appliances


The last one, that I wish I wasn’t so late to the game on was the Instant Pot!! This has been a major game changer for me. I’m kind of wondering how we lived without it! Houston and Hayden LOVE to push the buttons to program whatever we are making. I’m happy letting them think they cooked the whole meal. Haha. The Instant Pot is so amazing if you have a crazy busy schedule like ours. I can throw healthy meals together quick and not rely so much on a drive-thru or takeout on game nights!

If I could give you one major tip that saves my sanity working with my littles in the kitchen it is to shop wisely. When we moved into our new house, I wanted to replace a lot of these small appliances to upgrade. I knew with a lot of little helpers, I had more of a risk of things breaking. I didn’t want to stress about not letting them learn just because of the price tag.

If you follow along here, you know that I recently scored some great deals on our favorite cleaning supply over on eBay, so I had to see if the same could be true for Kitchen Appliances, and I was blown away. Everything was so quick and easy to find on eBay, and it was all  such a steal! I love knowing that I am secretly teaching them to cook and be independent for their future, without the stress of spending too much!

I think as mom’s we all need the little reminder that they learn by experience! Let them be with you making those memories in the kitchen. It is something they will always cherish, and at the same time you are preparing them for the future too! I’d love to hear your favorite tips for cooking in the kitchen with your little people too!

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photos : aubrey taiese 

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