Four things we love about our favorite four year old Houston - Kailee Wright
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Four things we love about our favorite four year old Houston

Kailee Wright Houston 4 Years old

houston’s similar top + similar shorts  ||  planter + rug 

You guys!! I don’t know how it happened but somehow our tiny little Houston is already FOUR today!! We are so lucky to have his as a part of our family. He is constantly making us all laugh, is so sweet (when he wants to be) with his bestie Harper, and is growing up so fast!! We love him so much and thought his birthday would be the perfect time to share 4 things we love about our Houston!

Kailee Wright Houston 4 Years old

houston’s similar top + similar shorts  ||  harper’s top + shorts


This one is pretty obvious if you know him or look at our pictures. All of our other babies have been right on average or even a little chubbier, but not our Houston. I can’t tell you how many times we get asked if Houston and Harper our twins because he is our tiny guy and she is our little chunk. They basically are the exact same size and we just love it. To give you an idea of how small he is, he can still fit in size 18-24M shorts!!! Haha! We have figured out a sneaky little way to get him to eat more, and it is all about the competition. If we make dinner into a contest between him and Harper, it is game on for that boy!! He always wants to take double the bites as her, and do whatever he can to win! Which is a win for us too!


I don’t know about you guys, but when my kids say sweet little things “wrong”, I never want to correct them. It is just so sweet in their tiny voices. Houston has some really funny things he has been saying lately that I don’t ever want to forget!

“Are you kiddin me?!” – This is his constant reply to any funny story or thing he doesn’t quite believe

” Where are my dankies?” – He has quite the collection of blankets he has to sleep with but he sweetly refers to them as “dankies” and I never want him to learn the real word.

“Can we play baseball yesterday tomorrow?” – This one might just be my fave. He says “yesterday tomorrow” for any future time frame he is talking about and we all think it is the cutest.

” I am NOT a baby!” – You have probably noticed that I have always referred to Houston + Harper as “the two babies” whenever I talk about them. Well just over the last month or so he has caught on and if I slip up and say it he makes sure to remind me “I am NOT a baby! Harper baby!”

Kailee Wright Houston 4 Years old



I’m pretty sure his obsession with any kind of balls started before he could even crawl. He has always loved them and carries them around with him wherever he goes. If it were up to him, he would live out in our batting cage hitting balls with dad all day long. And when we go to nana’s house, you can always find him perfecting his swing over on the putting green. We love watching him play and can’t wait to see his love for it grow even more as he gets older.



I am the first to admit I am very particular about how I like things. My love for things to be clean and in their place is not a secret to very many, and Houston is my only child this has rubbed off on. He DOES NOT like his hands or face to be dirty or messy at all. When he eats he always wants to use a specific spoon and just likes things very routine. I think it is so funny and love it because he is the only one that is just like me…and it drives Joe crazy! haha!

When we asked what he wanted for his birthday, he repeatedly tells us the exact same thing. A “rainbow tic tac birthday cake” + tic tacs and a golf club for his presents. I’m a little nervous my cake isn’t going to be what he had in mind, but he is pretty forgiving!

Kailee Wright Houston 4 Years old

As you can see from these little things, he is such a sweet little guy and so easy to love. He is the perfect big brother to Harper, and the big kids can’t get enough of him. We are so lucky to have the silly and happy light he brings into our family and can’t wait to celebrate him all week!


photos : aubrey taiese 

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